Thursday, September 3, 2009

My writing skills

Writing has never been high up on my list of things I like about school. I have always been an average writer but I have never enjoyed it. My strength as a writer is that I am pretty good with grammar and spelling. Whenever I write there are rarely ever any grammatical mistakes. Other than this aspect, nothing about my writing really stands out as something extraordinary. My biggest weakness is that I never go into enough detail. I struggle with describing my ideas in depth. The only time I truly enjoy writing is whenever I am writing poetry or lyrics to a song. I like how this style of writing is completely creative and personal. You’re not trying to persuade the reader or drown them with facts; you’re simply expressing yourself or telling a story. Last year in my government class, we were each assigned a Supreme Court case that we had to learn about and present to the class. My case was U.S. v. Nixon. I chose to present it by writing lyrics to the tune of “Jumper” by Third Eye Blind. I believe that I earned an A on the presentation because I had fun writing and preparing it. This kind of writing that promotes creativity and uniqueness, and disregards rules or guidelines, appeals the most to me.

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