Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Elbow/Bartholomae Debate Summary

This article focuses mainly on academic writing. Bartholomae describes how he defines academic writing and how he feels about the way it should be taught to our students. He mentions the classroom and the effects of the environment in which the writer is working on the writer's product. He discussions the struggle writers have of being able to create something that is their own and not a repeat of a previous story or piece or writing. He also mentions the influence of time, politics, and culture on a person's writing. Bartholomae believes that we should teach our students to write without these influences. They should be free of these outside pressures in order to write something that is uniquely theirs. He feels that this is the students right.

How does academic writing difer from other styles of writing?

Is it possible to create a story or piece of writing that has never been produced before?

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